Get To Know Us

We are the Anderson's. We raise cattle, ranch kids, and believe in the magic of learning that happens in our everyday! We love farming, agriculture, and raising our son to love and appreciate where his food comes from and how it is grown.   At heart, we are  just a ranching and homesteading Christian family born 100 years too late. Having our son, has allowed us to see the opportunity in learning, no matter what we are doing.

We are excited to offer that to other families as well.

Click to learn more

What We Offer

Maybe you have asked yourself some of these questions. 

  • How do I homeschool? 
  • Where do I start?
  • What curriculum should I use? 
  • Is my student learning?
  • Is this activity ok? 
  • Can I swap this for that?

AND MY ANSWER IS YES!!  You can do it, and I want to help. 

Did you know working in the garden or doing chores can be turned into a math or science lesson?

That's where we come in! Let us help you make your homeshcool journey fun!

Let's get started

Packages and Curriculum

With over 15 years in education, as a former personalized learning teacher, high school agriculture teacher, and charter school career technical education director, I know just how to help! I have worked with hundreds of families over the years and helped them create THEIR own unique homeschool environment. With the help and support I can offer- skies the limit.

Whether it is choosing curriculum, organizing a schedule, swapping activities, we have you covered. Our packages include basic consultations, follow-ups, one-on-one meetings, Facebook groups, newsletters and more.

Check out our packages