Meet The Anderson's

Welcome, we are so glad you found us.
My name is Jessica, I'm a ranch wife, cowboy momma, and long time personalized learning teacher. My journey started over 15 years ago at a traditional high school. Shortly there after, I knew there was more to education than the traditional setting had to offer. I then found my way as a personalized learning teacher and high school ag teacher at a charter school. I have taught high school agriculture, been a Career Technical Education Director, an outreach educator and home school coach.
My husband, Spencer and I, also own and run a cow calf operation and sell ranch direct beef. We have chickens, a garden, and all too many critters. We love farming, agriculture, and raising our son to love and appreciate where his food comes from and how it is grown. At heart, we are just a ranching and homesteading Christian family born 100 years too late.
Life has taken us on so many twists and turns. In 2015, we left our hometown of Chico, California and all we knew, to pursue our dreams as ranchers. And here we are.
Before we ever moved, I had dreamt of having a farm/ranch school but was too scared to jump in with both feet. After having our son, I knew something needed to change. We always talked about homeschooling. Having spent the last 15 years in public/charter school education- I have seen things change. And maybe NOT always for the best. I can be a little stubborn lol- but the good Lord has shown me what is NEXT. It has been heavy on my heart to help other families have the confidence in homeschooling too. There are so many amazing things you can do when you teach your kiddos- sometimes we just need help in knowing where to start.
In 2011, I started the first ag program in the state of California at a charter school. I had the opportunity there, to work directly with k-12 families designing a personalized learning program for their child and supporting parents as teachers.
I helped parents choose curriculum, navigate the overwhelming number of choices, taught them how to set-up a homeschool environment, how to modify and change lessons to fit their child's learning styles and needs, create fun activities that may not be traditional, and integrate learning as a lifestyle.
Homeschooling doesn't have to be scary! In fact, it is exciting and fun. Learning can truly happen any place and anywhere . It does not have to be at a desk and in a classroom.

As a former high school ag teacher, I saw the benefits of hands on learning, and teaching kids what is beyond the four walls of a classroom. When my husband and I had our son, we were over joyed with excitement to homeschool him when the day comes. As a ranch wife and momma, I see the opportunity in learning no matter what we are doing.
I've had mom friends reach out and ask questions. Maybe you have asked yourself these same questions.
- How do I homeschool?
- Where do I start?
- What curriculum should I use?
- Is my student learning?
- Is this activity ok?
- Can I swap this for that?
You can do it, and I want to help. I love education and seeing those "ah-ha" moments. But what I love even more, is seeing students learning in an environment that they love too. Times are different with many more parents choosing to bring the teaching back home. But sometimes that can be scary. That's where we can help. Let us help you get started, choose curriculum, set up a schedule (or not) that works for your family, and grow your confidence as the best teacher your child can have.

In a few years, when our son is of school age, we plan to offer a local co-op ranch school and farm classes which will fit perfect in our season. But for now, we are excited to help families make homeschool part of their everyday life by offering homeschool coaching, digital lessons, and activities that make learning fun again.
Are you ready to learn with us?
Click here to see what we offer.